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404 error on Oregon

Sep 01 at 10:55am UTC
Affected services
Production Sites - Oregon

Sep 01 at 10:55am UTC

RESOLVED - Update from platformOS:

Following yesterdays AWS incident, we began making enhancements to our auto-scaling infrastructure by conducting cluster upgrades. The first phase yesterday was successful. During today’s upgrade process, a critical internal routing component experienced an outage, resulting in [404]. Regrettably, we were unable to rollback todays upgrade and had to manually resolve each encountered issue. This did result in some downtime for instances on the Oregon server.
We can now confirm that system stability has been restored, and all upgrade procedures have successfully concluded.

Original status/issue:

We're trying to determine the cause of a 404 error showing on sites on the Oregon data centre and platformOS are working on it.

We will provide more information as soon as we can. The Status page is not showing any issues because the page it checks is not 404ing while others are which we appreciate is not helpful.

We will post updates here asap. Thanks.